05/12/2019 - The 2019 SESE graduating class assemble before the May 11th Convocation Ceremony. Also in attendance, Dean Isabel Molina-Guzman, Director Bob Rauber, and Heads and faculty from Atmospheric Science,...
07/24/2018 - Nineteen Illinois students experienced a unique spring break this year with help from donors to the College of LAS: They traveled deep into the communities and landscape of Costa Rica and came back...
04/26/2018 - The class spent three days at the Great Sand Dunes National Park, Colorado, examining the geomorphology and sedimentology of a range of environments, from hillslopes and debris flows to shallow...
03/16/2018 - The department's Eryops Skeleton replica is being repaired in preparation for its return to NHB. Christa Deacy-Quinn from the Spurlock museum is generously helping this effort, supplying essential...
09/20/2017 - Hurricane forecasting depends heavily on government-funded satellites, allowing the communities in their path to prepare and evacuate. Those satellites, monitored and maintained by the National...
08/28/2017 - Watch a news report featuring the refurbished Natural History Building
08/22/2017 - Today, prominent scientists throughout the country released a new research article on global patterns of drought recovery. Illinois atmospheric scientist Atul Jain was among the experts who...
06/21/2017 - Illinois to lead $30 million atmospheric study in Argentina Scientists know a lot about weather. However, there is still one aspect that isn’t totally understood: the initiation and development of...
05/22/2017 - Geologists create model with potential to predict earthquakes, volcanoes, and other tectonic activity Contrary to posters you may have seen hanging on the walls in science class, Lijun Liu,...
05/15/2017 - Grants, strong sales, and an educational mission prompt decision by Bruce Fouke “The Art of Yellowstone Science,” the recently published book by Bruce Fouke, professor of ...
05/11/2017 - Young alumna balanced motherhood and class to graduate on time It was summer 2015, and the upcoming fall semester of college was heavy on Emma Woods’ mind. She would be a senior, and she wanted to...