Reappointing Someone whom you are Currently Supporting

  1. Log into the appointment request at You will need to use your Active Directory (same as email) log on and password for this.
  2. A list of employee's you have already appointed is listed in the table CURRENT AND FUTURE APPOINTMENTS
  3. To reappoint a person click REAPPOINT in the column marked Action. Here you can also select DO NOT REAPPOINT (if you will not be supporting the employee in the future) or CHANGE (to revise an appointment already in place).
  4. The information in the Action column will change to date range. You need to select either the semester option or other. (For fall 8/16-12/31. For spring 1/1-5/15. If it is different dates than a standard semester click "other")
  5. This will take you to the employee information screen. 
  6. Under the Position Details section, select the correct Position Type in the dropdown box. This is important as it will determine the monthly salary according to departmental rates and will activate the correct Graduate Descriptors (details in Item 7 below).
  7. Scroll down to the middle of the page to "Dates and Funding" information. 
    •     a.   Under Date Range 1 you have the option to EDIT the Start and End Dates and FTE. If the monthly salary is not correct, please contact Jennifer Drennan.
    •     b.   There are a few options for selecting the CFOP to be charged.
      •               i.   First you can select EDIT and manually revise the CFOP information, OR
      •              ii.   If someone else in our School will be providing the support, you can choose DEPARTMENTAL SUPPORT and select the CFOP they provide. 
                                    The Organization Codes for our School are as follows: 
                                                 253 = Atmospheric Sciences 
                                                 265 = SESE
                                                 655 = Geology 
                                                 872 = Geography & GIS
      •             iii.   If a CFOP is being provided by a Unit outside our School, choose ENTER FUNDING SOURCE and manually add the CFOP.
    •     c.   If you need to add another appointment line, select the ADD ANOTHER DATE RANGE button and add the new dates and CFOP.
  8. Move down and select the Graduate Descriptors. These are the most common job descriptions used on campus. These will be included in the offer letter. There is a box below the descriptors where you can add more detail if needed. 
  9. NOTE - If the student is a TA you must include the course number and instructor in Duties and Responsibilities box. Enter this as UNIT ### with Professor XXXXXXXXX. (ie. UNSU 200 with Professor Jonathan Tomkin)
  10.  At the bottom Click the SUBMIT APPOINTMENT REQUEST button if you are done; or you have the option to SAVE AND CONTINUE LATER or CANCEL REQUEST.